Honor Code
Stuart Hall’s Honor Code is a special part of the School, distinct from all other expectations.Our Honor Code is based on the principles of mutual trust and honesty. The Code provides the School community with an environment of cooperative spirit, respect, and truthfulness.
Each student within Stuart Hall has the responsibility to develop a sense of personal honor by promoting and upholding the Honor Code.
The Honor Code Pledge
The Honor Code Pledge of Stuart Hall School reads as follows:
“As a member of the Stuart Hall School community, I will not lie, cheat, steal or tolerate the behavior of those who do.”
On submitted academic work, all students sign an abbreviated form of the Honor Code:
“I have neither given nor received assistance on this paper or exam.”
At the beginning of each academic year, Stuart Hall holds a special Honor Code Convocation. At this gathering, all students sign their names publicly under the Honor Code Pledge in the presence of community members. This signifies that each student understands our Honor Code and demonstrates the commitment to abide by its principles.